Friday, October 31, 2014

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 15

               President........Emma Bisbee                           Sec-treas............Laverne Moss
               Vice-president...Lucille Boruff                       Sponsor......... Miss Wickoff
                Class Colors:  Silver and Pink                       Class Flower:  Lily of the Valley
                                                        Motto:  "Light, not Heat"

                                                        OUR HIGH SCHOOL DAYS
         One dismal, rainy September morning, we, a group of thirty green students, entered high school as FRESHIES.   We were the largest class that had ever entered M.H.S. and we are proud to say that we still are the largest class in the school and hope to be so until we graduate.
         We are now a peppy bunch of twenty-one Sophomores.  We have published the monthly edition of the high school paper, the "Purple and Gold" and we try hard to make each edition better than the preceding one.
         Our class is largely represented in every extra-curricular activity of the school, there being seven of us in the band, four in the Camp Fire, four in the Literary Society and eight in the Radio Club.  The high school pianist, Lucille Miller, is a Sophomore.  In Athletics we shine above any class in school with four girls on the first team and two boys on the first team and five out of the six substitutes for the boy's team.
         We hope that when we leave old 'Donia High two years from now, we will leave the best record in scholarship, school life and all-round usefulness ever left by any class.  We want it to be a record other classes will be anxious to try to equal.

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