Friday, October 31, 2014

1926 Macedonia High Shcool Memory Book page 7

Senior Class History

      The original members of the class of 1926 started to school in 1913.  Walter Besore and Stanley Dye are the only ones who started in the first grade together and have gone through.  Their first teacher was Miss Edna Patton .    Fern Hooker joined us in the second grade and Miss Pierce was the teacher.  In the third year Fern moved to Wymore, Nebraska, leaving the boys with their teacher, Miss Elsie Riggle.  The fifth grade teacher was Miss Miles.
      When the boys reached the sixth grade the school was consolidated and on account of lack of room that grade was moved to the Methodist Church until the mew high school building was completed.  Miss Heft was the teacher this year.
       In the seventh grade everything went fine, the boys were under the direction of Miss Alexander.  Sam Braden joined them and Miss Lisher was the teacher.
       When these three jolly boys stepped into the eighth grade they helped organize the new Junior High.  The following pupils were the first graduates from the Junior High School:- Walter Besore, Sam Braden, Stanley Dye, Lawrence Babbitt, Floyd Carroll, Ivo Deakins, Lynn Galloway, Freava Nicholson, Norris Pilling, Virgie Stone, Ward Scott and Jewel Rash.
       When this large class assembled as freshmen in high school four of their grade school comrades were not with them.  These were;- Floyd Carroll, Ivo Deakins, Freava Nicholson and Virgie Stone; but Maxine Casson, Marie Carley, Elaine Babbitt, Fern Hooker, Ruby Casson, Pearle Metcalfe, Cecil Booten, Dewey Purdue, Verne Bisbee, Lyle Houser and Florence Parker joined them, making this the largest freshman class M. H. S. had ever known.
       The high school faculty this year (1922-1923) was made  up of Supt. A. B. Alspaugh;  Prin. Luella Dye, Ruby Ellerman and Clyde Melton.

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