Monday, November 3, 2014

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 37

                                                    There's a Soph, whose name is Walker
                                                     A husky fellow, not a Balker;
                                                             He once ran a mile,
                                                            Finished with a smile,
                                                     Now he's getting to be quite a talker.

                                                     We have a boy whose name is Fred.
                                                      A boy whom girls do not dread ;
                                                               He plays the bass drum
                                                               And basketball some,-
                                                      And he once got a bump on the head.

                             Mr. Cox:  "Curley, where were you the seventh period yesterday?"
                             Curley:     "I beat it."
                             Mr. Cox:  "Well, beat it now and don't come back without an excuse."

                             Fern:         "Latin is a snap."
                             Walter:      "It may be, but I can't snap it."
                             Mr. Cox:    (in general assembly)  "Now, folks, we have a great deal before us."

                             Dale:         "I wonder what makes me so short."
                             Lola:         "Because you are always getting called down."

                             Marion:     "Did you ever kiss a girl under a mistletoe?"
                             Fred:         "No, but  I've kissed a lot of them under the nose."

                             Marion:     "This wire don't shock me a bit."
                             Fern:          "It doesn't?  I would like to shock you once."

                             Mr. Cox:     (in Physics lab)   This is a good electric light bulb and this is one  is
                                                 burned out.   I will break the old one so you can see how it's made.
                                                 (He carefully breaks the old one.)


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