Friday, October 31, 2014

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 9

Senior Class Prophecy (Continued)
After wishing Elaine good luck I decided to go to Paris  and boarded a giant airship for that city the next morning.  Before the huge bird-like vessel was well under way I noticed a man in uniform staring at me curiously and soon he came and spoke to me, introducing himself as Dr. Walter Besore, the ship's doctor.  The trip to Paris was short, but we had time to listen to a radio program in which we were surprised to hear that our old star forward in basketball, Sam Braden, was running for President of the United States and in his speech to the radio audience he was very boastful in his assurances that he could improve conditions all over the world if people would only give him a chance.     In Paris I stopped at the Paradise hotel and soon found out that the owner was Miss Ruby Casson, my old chum in school.   She had  inherited a fortune from an aunt and had come to Paris where she and bought this hotel.  It was a model of comfort and beauty and certainly was worthy of the name "Paradise."  One of the peculiar things I noticed about Paris  was that therre were as many Americans and French living in the city.  I did not realize what this might mean until I decided to go to church.  I was told that there was a good American church a block from the hotel.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered the minister to be our own "Shockey" Babbitt.  I was so astonished you could have knocked me over with a feather,  He had decided shortly after his graduation from high school that he wanted to be something worth while and had decided that the host of  Americans seeking divorces in Paris needed spiritual guidance about as bad as any savages in Africa and so had become a sort of missionary to them.  He told me that Maxine was taking part in the finals of the contest to decide who was the world's champion elocutionist that evening.  The prize was a fortune in money and world-wide fame.  I heard later that she won easily.


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