Friday, October 31, 2014

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 20


   Velma Plumb, Nina Carley, Miss Gladys Hooker-Coach, Dorothy Bolton, Vola Hendrix

    Marie Carley, Lucille Boraff, Mildred Shuck - captain, Lois Koast, Pearle Metcalfe

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 19

                    The boy's team this year was composed of three veterans, Stanley Dye, center and captain,
          Sam Braden, forward; and Dale Miller,  guard.   Guido Stemple, forward and Harry Braden,
          guard completed the quintet that played nearly all of all the games.  Substitutes who were in
          action in several games when badly needed were,  George Ginger, Royce Parker, Fred Koast and
          Oran Androy.  Under the clever coaching of  their new coach, Ray C. Hall they developed an
          offence that enabled them to pile up top-heavy scores in many of their games.  The team was not             defeated on its home floor and had the pleasure of defeating decisively every team which it lost
          to during the entire season.   Dye and Braden will be lost by graduation and Parker may not    
          return to Macedonia next fall, but the material on hand indicates that there will be another
          whirlwind team representing "Donia" next season.


                      Macedonia 19  - Hancock 21                      Macedonia 34 -  Hancock 13
                      Macedonia 30 -  Oakland  13                      Macedonia 34 -  Oakland 10
                      Macedonia 43 -  Treynor  23                       Macedonia 24 -  Treynor  10
                      Macedonia 25 - Carson 12                          Macedonia 16 -  Carson  10
                      Macedonia 22 - Henderson  19                   Macedonia  23 -  Henderson  28
                      Macedonia 23 -  Wales  27                          Macedonia  24 - Wales  14
                      Macedonia 23 - Silver City  24                   Macedonia  29 -  Silver City  26
                                       Glenwood Tournament -  Macedonia  15 --  Silver City  18


1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 18

          George Ginger, Franklin Stemple, Fred Koast, Royce Parker
                             Supt. H. T. Cox                     Coach  R. C. Fall  Oran Androy
           Harry Braden, Guido Stemple                Sam Braden, Dale Miller
                                                     Stanley Dye, Captain-

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 17

                           President. . . Wilda Miller                        Sec-treas . . . . Irene Plumb
                           Vice-president. . . .Lloyd Dye                   Sponsor . . . .Ray C. Fall

                            Class Colors: Blue and Silver.            Class Flower:  Pink Carnation
                                            Motto: "Backbones, not Wishbones."

                                              Samples of Freshman Compostion
                                          1.  He kissed her upon her reappearance
                                          2.  She whipped him upon his return.
                                          3.  He kissed her back - Lloyd Dye, Author.
                                          4.  She fainted upon his departure.
                                          5.   Do not forget the sad case of Mr. Bodkins, who was
                                                    accidentally shot in his bottling works.
                                          6.  Will Irene be sore,  Lucile a fisher, or Ivan still a teacher's pet?

                     Lloyd K. Dye - Farmer                            Charles DeBolt - Book Agent
                     Everett Noel -  Bootlegger                       Roy DeBolt - Mechanic
                     Ward Babbitt - Orator                              Evalyn Keener - Poetess
                     George Clark - Bishop                             Evelyn Stevens - Red Cross Nurse
                     Ivan Fisher - Manager of a                       Lucile Taylor - Manageress of it.
                                           Dairy Farm                         Frances Taylor - Waitress
                     Irene Plumb - Actress                               Wilda Miller - School Tracher
                     Marion Boruff - Policeman                      Paul Forristall - Professional
                     Vernon Aukland - Acrobat                                                            dancer   
                      Guy Ford - Self-pronouncing                   Mr. Fall - ? ? ? ? ? ?

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 16

    Vernon Aukland, Charles DeBolt, Ivan Fisher, Everett Neel, Marion Boruff, Ward Babbitt.

    Paul Foristall,  Roy De Bolt, Mr. Fall, George Clark, Guy Ford, Lloyd Dye

    Wilda Miller, Irene Plumb, Evelyn Stevens, Frances Taylor, Evalyn Keener, Lucile Taylor

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 15

               President........Emma Bisbee                           Sec-treas............Laverne Moss
               Vice-president...Lucille Boruff                       Sponsor......... Miss Wickoff
                Class Colors:  Silver and Pink                       Class Flower:  Lily of the Valley
                                                        Motto:  "Light, not Heat"

                                                        OUR HIGH SCHOOL DAYS
         One dismal, rainy September morning, we, a group of thirty green students, entered high school as FRESHIES.   We were the largest class that had ever entered M.H.S. and we are proud to say that we still are the largest class in the school and hope to be so until we graduate.
         We are now a peppy bunch of twenty-one Sophomores.  We have published the monthly edition of the high school paper, the "Purple and Gold" and we try hard to make each edition better than the preceding one.
         Our class is largely represented in every extra-curricular activity of the school, there being seven of us in the band, four in the Camp Fire, four in the Literary Society and eight in the Radio Club.  The high school pianist, Lucille Miller, is a Sophomore.  In Athletics we shine above any class in school with four girls on the first team and two boys on the first team and five out of the six substitutes for the boy's team.
         We hope that when we leave old 'Donia High two years from now, we will leave the best record in scholarship, school life and all-round usefulness ever left by any class.  We want it to be a record other classes will be anxious to try to equal.

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 14

                                        SOPHOMORE CLASS

  Laverne Moss, Marion Maynes, Nina Carley, Vola Hendrix, Miss Wickoff, Vivian Long, Oran Androy, Merle Cramlet

   Kenneth Taylor, Guido Stemple; Merle Walker, Harry Braden, Franklin Stemple, Royce Parker, George Ginger.

    Thelma DeBolt, Leora Bradshaw, Dorothy Bolton, Lucille Boruff, Emma Bisbee, Lucille Miller.

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 13

                                                                    JUNIOR CLASS
     President..........Lewis Dale Miller                                 Sec-treas...Fred S. Keast
     Vice-president..Donald Udell Fisher                              Sponsor..Miss Whistler
            Class Colors:  Blue and White                                Class Flower:  Tulip
                                Motto:  "A Live Wire Never Gets Stepped On."

      Lewis Dale Miller - "Toad"                                           Fred Summers Keast -  "Fritz"
        "Harmless and Blameless                                                  "Don't make excuses, 
           and free from all goodness."                                                                    make good"
     Lola Pearl Keast -  "Snooks"                                           Mildred Margaret Shuck -  "Millie"
         "We are proud of Lola, you know;                                     "She has fun as long as
            She is not tall, but she'll grow."                                        there is fun to have."

     Donald Udell Fisher -  "Don"                                           Laura Ruth Boyer -  "Babe"
          "A face that cannot smile                                                   "There is weight behind
                       is never good."                                                                         her words."

     Velma Evelyne Plumb -  "Eve"                                          Leo Paul Mickey  -  "Chaser"
          "The only one of us who really                                          "A tall and silent youth
                        ever cared for love."                                                                 is he."
                                                                                                      "Tis hard to tell just what he'll be."       
            Eva Rose Plumb  -  "Eve"                                                    
                 "Grin and Grind"

             The annual Junior Play this year was "The Second Puncture, " A three act comedy involving the characters in a camp in the mountains, a burglary, a stolen car and a pair of pajamas.  It was well attended and quite a success. 

             The Twenty-first Annual Junior-Senior Banquet at the High School building April 21st was a colorful and jolly affair.   Decorations were symbolical of Holland even to the costumes of the waitresses.



1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 12


Leo Mickey  Donald Fisher  Miss Whistler  Dale Miller  Fred Keast
Velma Plumb  Ruth Boyer  Eva Plumb  Lola Keast  Mildred Shuck

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 11



Martin Henry, laziest man in the county . . . Sam Braden
Arthur Watson, Our Hero . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanley Dye
Jack, friend of Arthur's . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Besore
Ted, another friend . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald Fisher
Miss Abigail Persons, a woman of ideas . . . Maxine Casson
Mrs. Watson, a gentle person . . . . . . . . . Pearle Metcalfe
Lucille Persons, Our Heroine . . . . . . . . .Fern Hooker
Marie, a friend of Lucille's . . . . . . . . . Velma Plumb
Jane, another friend . . . . . . . Marie Carley
Mable, another friend . . . . . . . . .Elaine Babbitt
Mary, Martin Henry's aunt, cook at Person's . . .Ruby Casson
First Girl . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Boyer
Second Girl . . . . . . . . Eva Plumb
First Gypsy . . . . . . . . Lola Keast
Second Gypsy . . . . . . . .Mildred Shuck
Boys at the party . . . .Dale Miller, Lee Mickey, Fred Keast

The date set for the play is April 30th.  Mr. Cox will coach the play and have charge of the stage  lighting.
"All the world's a stage.  And all the men and women merely players." -   Shakespeare.

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 10

One day while shopping I saw a wonderful hat in a shop window and upon entering the shop was pleasantly waited upon by a demure little lady whom I discovered to be Fern Hooker.
She and Marie Carley owned this store;  she managed the millinery department and Marie designed all the dresses.
They were making a great deal of money as they knew just what the rich Americans wanted and both looked and acted enough like French "madames" to deceive even a Frenchman.
When I returned to New York I noticed a huge sign on Broadway.  "Big Basketball Game, World Championship Series."  The newspapers gave a list of the players and Stanley Dye was captain and center of one of the teams and a star at long shots at the basket just as he was at old 'Donia.  His team had not been defeated in two years.
After all this traveling I found myself anxious to get back to my work as a nurse in the Sun Set Hospital and upon my return to Chicago I learned that the new Hospital built by Dr. Ray C. Hall in that city was in need of a superintendent and decided to apply for the position the next day --- then I woke up.
---Pearle Metcalfe.

Annual Commencement exercises will be held May 13th, 1926 at the Opera House.  The speaker will be Superintendent Allen R. Nieman, of Magnolia, Iowa.
Baccalaureate services will be conducted by Rev. Wm W. Shugg, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Sunday, May 9th.
The Annual Inter-class Track Meet, All School Exhibit Day and the Senior Class Day exercises will be Wednesday, May 12th.
Eighth Grade Commencement is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11th,.


1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 9

Senior Class Prophecy (Continued)
After wishing Elaine good luck I decided to go to Paris  and boarded a giant airship for that city the next morning.  Before the huge bird-like vessel was well under way I noticed a man in uniform staring at me curiously and soon he came and spoke to me, introducing himself as Dr. Walter Besore, the ship's doctor.  The trip to Paris was short, but we had time to listen to a radio program in which we were surprised to hear that our old star forward in basketball, Sam Braden, was running for President of the United States and in his speech to the radio audience he was very boastful in his assurances that he could improve conditions all over the world if people would only give him a chance.     In Paris I stopped at the Paradise hotel and soon found out that the owner was Miss Ruby Casson, my old chum in school.   She had  inherited a fortune from an aunt and had come to Paris where she and bought this hotel.  It was a model of comfort and beauty and certainly was worthy of the name "Paradise."  One of the peculiar things I noticed about Paris  was that therre were as many Americans and French living in the city.  I did not realize what this might mean until I decided to go to church.  I was told that there was a good American church a block from the hotel.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered the minister to be our own "Shockey" Babbitt.  I was so astonished you could have knocked me over with a feather,  He had decided shortly after his graduation from high school that he wanted to be something worth while and had decided that the host of  Americans seeking divorces in Paris needed spiritual guidance about as bad as any savages in Africa and so had become a sort of missionary to them.  He told me that Maxine was taking part in the finals of the contest to decide who was the world's champion elocutionist that evening.  The prize was a fortune in money and world-wide fame.  I heard later that she won easily.


1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 8

                                   Senior Class History (Continued)
                              The Sophomore year seemed unlucky as we lost so many of our members, including Jewel Rash, Lyle Houser, Lynn Galloway, Dewey Purdue and Verne Bisbee, but Gerald Babbitt joined us.  There was not only a big change in the class, but also a great change in the Faculty.  Mr. Frink took Mr. Alspaugh's place, Miss Carrie E. Wickoff became principal and Mr. Vincent P. Mercer took Mr. Molton's place.
     Bertha Swarens dropped out during the Junior year, but Roland Jones made up for the loss in numbers.  The only change in the Faulty was that Mr. Cox replaced Mr. Frink as Superintendent.
      This year, our last and most important one we were again deserted by several of our members.   Our class dwindled down to only ten with the loss of Lawrence Babbitt, Ward Scott, Norris Pilling and Roland Jones.   Matrimony claimed our former sponsor Mrs. Ruby McCready, nee Ellerman,  and she was replaced by Miss Margaret Whistler, but according to custom, the Superintendent Mr. Cox became our advisor for the year before we take the final plunge into "life's school."   A new coach in the person of Mr. Ray C. Fall has helped us to get a new conception of the game of basketball and all 'round goodfellowship.

                                                                SENIOR CLASS PROPHECY
                                                         Twenty years from Now.   1946  ?   ?

      On a beautiful day in early autumn, 1946, I decided to take a trip to wear off an attack of the summer blues.  Starting East,  I stopped at a friend's house in New York City for a fortnight.  We attended a vaudeville show one evening and to my astonishment, who was the leading dancer but Elaine Babbitt, known as "Joe" back in our high school days.  She seemed to have a wonderful position and was happy in her work.

1926 Macedonia High Shcool Memory Book page 7

Senior Class History

      The original members of the class of 1926 started to school in 1913.  Walter Besore and Stanley Dye are the only ones who started in the first grade together and have gone through.  Their first teacher was Miss Edna Patton .    Fern Hooker joined us in the second grade and Miss Pierce was the teacher.  In the third year Fern moved to Wymore, Nebraska, leaving the boys with their teacher, Miss Elsie Riggle.  The fifth grade teacher was Miss Miles.
      When the boys reached the sixth grade the school was consolidated and on account of lack of room that grade was moved to the Methodist Church until the mew high school building was completed.  Miss Heft was the teacher this year.
       In the seventh grade everything went fine, the boys were under the direction of Miss Alexander.  Sam Braden joined them and Miss Lisher was the teacher.
       When these three jolly boys stepped into the eighth grade they helped organize the new Junior High.  The following pupils were the first graduates from the Junior High School:- Walter Besore, Sam Braden, Stanley Dye, Lawrence Babbitt, Floyd Carroll, Ivo Deakins, Lynn Galloway, Freava Nicholson, Norris Pilling, Virgie Stone, Ward Scott and Jewel Rash.
       When this large class assembled as freshmen in high school four of their grade school comrades were not with them.  These were;- Floyd Carroll, Ivo Deakins, Freava Nicholson and Virgie Stone; but Maxine Casson, Marie Carley, Elaine Babbitt, Fern Hooker, Ruby Casson, Pearle Metcalfe, Cecil Booten, Dewey Purdue, Verne Bisbee, Lyle Houser and Florence Parker joined them, making this the largest freshman class M. H. S. had ever known.
       The high school faculty this year (1922-1923) was made  up of Supt. A. B. Alspaugh;  Prin. Luella Dye, Ruby Ellerman and Clyde Melton.

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 6

Basketball '24, '26.  Band  '25, '26.
"She's more serious than she looks."
Our only blonde, with blue eyes.

Captain Jerome in the "Gypsy Rover."  "Smile awhile."
He uses most of his smiles plumb foolishly.
Dramatics is his failing.

Pres. Literary Society '26.
"Always present"
She is very strong minded and should be a suffragette, but probably won't

Class President '26.  Band '25, '26.
Basketball '25.  Baseball
"Always blowing--the saxophone."
He's plumb daffy over a girl.

Camp Fire '26.  Basketball '24, '25.
"Small, but mighty."
"Joe" has worked hard to become a professional Charleston dancer.


1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 5


                       Class V-pres, '25, Pres. '22, Pres. Lit. '23.  Sec. Camp Fire  '26,
                       V-pres. Glee Cl. '22
                       "Let me call you sweetheart."   She is a heart breaker, but Don doesn't think so.

                                     CHARLES STANLEY DYE
                       V-pres. '26, '24, Sec. '22.  Basket Ball, '23, '24, '25, '26.  Base Ball  '24, '25.
                       "Beauty is only skin deep."   He has a winning way as dancer or hopp artist.

                                    FERN MAXINE CASSON
                       Humerous Declam. Winner  '25, '26      "I love you but one."
                       "Brown eyes, why are you blue?"   She dyed an old maid.

                                    SAMUEL COLUMBUS BRADEN
                       Basketball  '23, '24, '25, '26.  Baseball.
                       "Oh, I wish that I had someone to love."
                        That bunch of golden hair should win.

                                   GAIL MARIE CARLEY

                      Class sec. '26.  Pres. Camp Fire  '26.     Basketball  '24, '25, '26.
                       "She has two eyes so soft and brown.
                        She gives a side glance and looks down.
                                                                       Take Care!"

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 4

                                                            Board of Education
                                                      N. L. Hobson,   President
        Carl Jones, Secretary                      George C. Free,  Treasurer
             A.C. Lewis         Val Plumb       R. D.  Cramlet      W. J.  Alston

                                                 HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY

                                  Freshman                                                     Juniors
        English     General science                                       English Literature    Latin
        Algebra      General Training or                                American History and Gov't
                     Home Economics                                         Biology

                                Sophomores                                                    Seniors
        English     General History                                         American Literature
        Geometry    Agriculture                                              Sociology and   Economics
                                                                                           Latin     Physics

       Some of these courses are given alternately so that Juniors and Seniors have two classes a day together.  This year during the second semester the choice of the following has been given:-  Girls - Advanced Home Economics;  Boys - Animal Husbandry or Algebra.
       Macedonia High School does not pretend to be a Normal Training School but with the sollikd foundation for straight thinking built up in pursuing the above course of study,  supplemented with the required twelve weeks normal training work in summer school,  many of the graduates have done excellent work as teachers in the schools of the surrounding community.
       About one third of the pupils in the high school are tuition pupils from outside the consolidated district.