Saturday, February 5, 2011

Henderson Senior Class 1948

I'd forgotten I had this one.  The quality isn't as good as I'd like.

From left to right:

Top row-- Ramona Cary (President); Darlene Kempton (vice-president); Evelyn Mckinney (Secretary); Jim Stenger (Treasurer); Harold Terry (sponsor)

Middle row-- Norma Allensworth; Norma Ambrose; Gene Bolton; Homer Klahn and James Pendegraft

Bottom row-- Max Simmons; Barbara South; Byron Sowers; Leah Sowers and Wilma Turner

1 comment:

  1. My father is Homer Klahn - pictured in the Class of 1948 photo. Thanks for uploading and sharing. Dad lives in Fort Collins, Colorado now - he's retired.

    I'm also a former Iowa farm boy - now in Colorado living in the suburbs of Denver.

    John Klahn
