Sunday, January 18, 2015

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book page 40

                                     We have a senior by the name of Pearle,
                                     Who is just a good natured sort of girl.
                                              She don't go with boys,
                                              Don't like their noise,
                                     Says she'll leave the nuts for the squirrels.

                                     Miss Whistler says she's nobody's fool,
                                     And teaches her pupils the Golden Rule,
                                              And often says whom spoken to:
                                              "You're just kiddin', aren't you?"
                                     But more often she says:  "Stay after school."

                                     Our professor's name is Cox
                                     Is office door he Lox
                                             He never is short
                                             Is a very good sport
                                     And would be on old 'Donia his Sox.

                                     One of our teacher's name is Carrie,
                                     She urges little boys not to Tarrie,
                                              Teaches Latin, you know,
                                              And English al-so,
                                     Both subjects some students would bury.

                                     Guido is a steppin' fool,
                                     And the biggest talker in the pool:
                                             He would walk a mile
                                             To get just a smile,
                                     From a very short girl in our school.


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