Sunday, August 21, 2011

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book

Where does the time go?  I meant to keep up on this but somehow it just got away from me.

This is another wonderful find from Ebay--the original post had some photos but the images were cropped so that you couldn't see any names on the bottom of the photos.  But I figured that my Grandma (Dad's Mom) should be in it because she would have been about 15 at the time.  Like I said, no names available but in looking at the pictures I saw a least one that had to be her--she looked like my aunts Janice and Jeanne.  So I bought it and Bingo!  There she was in two separate photos.  I got it in time for Father's Day and ended up sending it early by mistake.

It turns out that the photos are the only photos my Dad and his siblings have ever seen of their mom as a girl.

While the custom of issuing an annual exists in many schools, but a single thought to do
anything of the sort has been made in the history of Macedonia High School.  In 1905 the Junior class had printed a year book which was a credit to any school its size.
A study of that ancient volume shows that the 'Donia spirit existed to as marked a degree as at present.  Probably the most curious and interesting feature of the 1905 Annual to modern readers in the fancy masquerade costumes worn by anyone who posed for a picture in the book.  At least, the disguises would be considered perfect according to modern modes of dress.  We hesitate to draw any hasty conclusions, but we are willing to wager that if our present superintendant were to wear a costume similar to that worn by the Mr. Caillet who was Principal of the school in 1905, (with mustache and all other fixin's) there would be a striking resemblance.  The safety razor has indeed been kind to the human eye.
Here is a partial list of the things which did not annoy the Principal of M.H.S. in 1906:
Flat tires            Radio Blah!
Late Busses                    Bell gone dead (no juice)
Drain pipes stopped   Trips to Omaha to shows
Mail plane overhead            Noise in Shop
Band practice    Cooking odors, D.S. or Shop???
Mimeograph gone bad   Saxophone music (?)

It is the sincere desire of the Class of 1926 that the class of 1946 will stand ready to continue the pleasant custom of getting out a year book every twenty years at M.H.S.