Sunday, August 21, 2011

1926 Macedonia High School Memory Book

Where does the time go?  I meant to keep up on this but somehow it just got away from me.

This is another wonderful find from Ebay--the original post had some photos but the images were cropped so that you couldn't see any names on the bottom of the photos.  But I figured that my Grandma (Dad's Mom) should be in it because she would have been about 15 at the time.  Like I said, no names available but in looking at the pictures I saw a least one that had to be her--she looked like my aunts Janice and Jeanne.  So I bought it and Bingo!  There she was in two separate photos.  I got it in time for Father's Day and ended up sending it early by mistake.

It turns out that the photos are the only photos my Dad and his siblings have ever seen of their mom as a girl.

While the custom of issuing an annual exists in many schools, but a single thought to do
anything of the sort has been made in the history of Macedonia High School.  In 1905 the Junior class had printed a year book which was a credit to any school its size.
A study of that ancient volume shows that the 'Donia spirit existed to as marked a degree as at present.  Probably the most curious and interesting feature of the 1905 Annual to modern readers in the fancy masquerade costumes worn by anyone who posed for a picture in the book.  At least, the disguises would be considered perfect according to modern modes of dress.  We hesitate to draw any hasty conclusions, but we are willing to wager that if our present superintendant were to wear a costume similar to that worn by the Mr. Caillet who was Principal of the school in 1905, (with mustache and all other fixin's) there would be a striking resemblance.  The safety razor has indeed been kind to the human eye.
Here is a partial list of the things which did not annoy the Principal of M.H.S. in 1906:
Flat tires            Radio Blah!
Late Busses                    Bell gone dead (no juice)
Drain pipes stopped   Trips to Omaha to shows
Mail plane overhead            Noise in Shop
Band practice    Cooking odors, D.S. or Shop???
Mimeograph gone bad   Saxophone music (?)

It is the sincere desire of the Class of 1926 that the class of 1946 will stand ready to continue the pleasant custom of getting out a year book every twenty years at M.H.S.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Various Street Scenes

These came off of Facebook--I don't have dates for them but Henderson stayed pretty much the same over the years

This one is dated 1894

These are from the 20s or so

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Henderson basketball team 1930-1931

This photo was in the Malvern Leader issue of March 3, 1931.

Front row:  Reign Byers, Melvin Viner, Lyle Wilkinson, Lloyd (Pat) Patterson (captain); Lee Houser, Chet Hallquist

Back row: Coach Crocker; Bill Phillips; Chester Kirshbaum; Dale Allensworth;  Superintendant Starr

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Henderson Basketball team 1925

I always get a kick out of these old photos.
Once again, the information I have on this photo has come from the Henderson Facebook page. 

According to it, Bud Byers is in the middle holding the ball and Suede Byers is on the bottom right.

Henderson basketball team 1930

The boy's basketball team from 1930.   Any information as to the players in this picture is from the Henderson page on Facebook.  I plan on adding names as they become known.

 The bottom row far right is Reign and Dusen Byers.  Cy Brown is in the back row in the middle.

This is the year the Henderson boys went to the state tournament.

The opening round they beat Geneseo 25 to 23.

The quarter-finals they beat LaMoille 23 to 11

In the semi-finals they were beaten by Davenport 34 to 29.

The consolation game they plyed Paton who beat them 32 to 24.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Henderson view from the west

The information I have is that this is a view of Henderson around 1908.   According to the Henderson page on Facebook-- Beverly Boileau dated this one  as pre 1908 as there is the school between the two churches, and it burned down in 1908.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Macedonia senior class of 1951

Macedonia Phone Book 1957 part 3

  Here are the last few images.  I especially like the ringing code for the number of rings for the party line.  Anyone under the age of 50 won't have any idea what that was like.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Macedonia Phone Book 1957 part 2

Here's the second batch of pages from the phone book--it's taken longer than I thought.  I can't seem to get them uploaded and situated the way I want.


Macedonia Phone Book 1957 part one

Another Ebay buy--I don't even know what prompted me to get it but it was fun to have anyway.  I'm going to have to put these up in groups--I tried to put them all on one page which did not work at all.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Macedonia High School Football Team

I'm not sure what year this is--I just know that it's somewhere around 1947 to 1949.

From left to right--

Front row:        George Kash  #75; Gerald Henderson  #99; Dwain Stephens  #45; Galen Batten  #35; Harry Booten  #10; Bob Grant  #90; Seth Bishop #80; Hallas Frain #50; Leland Waymire #15        

Second Row:     Coach Dale Halvorsen; Richard Corley #25; Jim Osler #50; Bob Braden  #35; Don Hobson #95; Martin Herbert #59; Leo Herbert #11; Keith Frazier #20

Third Row:         Stanley Petersen; Don Kosh #70; Dean Moore #40; John Jeffries; Bernard Plumer #30; Bob Cleveland #65; Dwight Stephens

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Macedonia Junior Class 1949

Front Row--                                                                       Second Row--
Mr. Larry Davenport-sponsor                                        Roegene Schroeder
Dorothy Frain                                                                    Jim Osler
Kenneth Mapes                                                                James Jeffries
Dorothy Shook                                                                 Wayne McClain
Loretta Taylor                                                                   Duane McClain
June Hyde                                                                         Keith Fraser
Leo Herbert                                                                       Dorothy Stephens
Mrs. Gladys Smith                                                           Paul Plumer

Henderson Senior Class 1948

I'd forgotten I had this one.  The quality isn't as good as I'd like.

From left to right:

Top row-- Ramona Cary (President); Darlene Kempton (vice-president); Evelyn Mckinney (Secretary); Jim Stenger (Treasurer); Harold Terry (sponsor)

Middle row-- Norma Allensworth; Norma Ambrose; Gene Bolton; Homer Klahn and James Pendegraft

Bottom row-- Max Simmons; Barbara South; Byron Sowers; Leah Sowers and Wilma Turner






Friday, February 4, 2011

I got this off Ebay. I would have probably bid on it anyway, but it turned out that one of my Dad's uncles was pictured. If the person who owned it hadn't written the names on the back, i would never have known. I'd never seen a photo of him.
Front Row: Wynn Case, Clyde Miller, Naason Young, Bill Metcalf (pitcher), Bob Schaeffer, Will Buck Carter (waterboy)

Back Row: Hugh Braden, Morrey Duprey (?); Dr. Beson (manager), Harvey Dye, Pete Dye.

Between 1905-1908

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Main street scene of Macedonia, Iowa early in the century.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Street scene of Henderson, Iowa early in the last century. Last time I was there, those buildings still existed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I got this off of Ebay-(I LOVE Ebay). It is a postcard the 1911 Macedonia basketball team with a listing on the back. I don't know if any of them are related and if they are it's probably a third cousin or so but I liked the photo.
The listing on the back is as follows:
John Henry
Miles Boyer
Supt. Tacy or Jacy, I'm not sure but I'm leaning towards it being "Tracy"
Naason Young (I checked the name and it appears that way on the 1910 census--he'd be 14 or 15 in 1911)
Henry Dinwiddie
Hugh Braden
Adrian Hobson

Friday, January 28, 2011

Let's get started on this project.

This is a photo I found in a box at my parent's house. Written on the back is "Grove School #9 May 23, 1941" . Obviously one of the one room schools so prevalent back then. One room schools were chosen to represent the state of Iowa on the official quarter released several years ago. The names weren't written there but my dad could still name everyone.

Front row: Lois Batten, Janice Osler, James Osler, Galen Batten, Dennis Rasmussen

Back row: Velma Rasmussen, Wilma Batten, Mrs. Toland, Lois Rasmussen, Phyllis Batten, Glen Batten, Bruce Forward


A friend got me interested in genealogy a few years ago and one of the aspects of it that I enjoy reading about is the "orphaned heirlooms". Those are items that for one reason or another have gotten separated from the family they belong to and there are people out there who enjoy reuniting them with their rightful family. There is also this unwritten canon, if you will, that somewhere out in the world there are photos of your family that you never knew existed and that you just have to keep looking. I've had it happen to me and now maybe I can do the same for someone else.

Rummaging through my parents house; online auctions; other family--I've collected a number of group photos with family in them, but not just family. They're class photos and group shots and team photos. Lots of other people that I'm not related to--but maybe someone would like to see.

I've decided to post these photos on the chance that someone out there is looking for a relative and never knew a photo like this existed.

I picked this title for my blog because my parents are from little towns in Iowa that are about a mile apart. Dad grew up in Macedonia, Iowa and Mom in Henderson, Iowa. And you've got to call it something.